The charity oganization "Christian Mercy Centre" was founded in 2005 with an aim to support the disadvantaged groups of the society. Today the organization is actively working in three main directions:
- Soup kitchen for children: every day around 90 children from disadvantaged families receive a warm and delicious lunch;
- Children's day centre: day centre is open every working day from 15.00 to 19.00 and offers a variety of interesting and educational activities to children who would possibly spend their afternoons on the streets. Teachers and volunteers working in the day centre organize various activities, including competitions, games, crafts, music, cooking and much more. In cooperation with soup kitchen, children also enjoy an afternoon snack;
- Laundry and washing room "Mazgāmutis": a washing machine and dryer service and a shower is offered to anybody who might need this kind of help, including homeless people.
- Montessori room: educational centre which is set up according to the education method of Maria Montessori (Italian educator) providing special learning possibilities for children from disadvantaged families.
The foundation of "Christian Mercy Centre" and its activities until today are deeply rooted in Christian values, acknowledging God as our main provider.
All the services and activities of "Christian Mercy Centre" depend on the donations and the support from the municipality, organizations, churches, enterprises and individual supporters. The list of the supporters can be found here. We kindly thank every supporter that helps us in carrying out our activities!
Photo gallery of the activities at the Centre can be found here.
You can support us by your donation:
Receiver: Kristigais zelsirdibas centrs
Reg. No.: 40008050211
Bank: A/S SEB Banka
IBAN account number: LV24UNLA0018000700295